Tax advice and auditing

Your needs, wishes and individual requirements are our top priority.


Tax advice and auditing

What sets us apart: We are your partner for all your trust and tax needs. We accompany and advise you, your company and your family pro-actively and holistically, across generations and national borders.

Everything from a single source

Our Services

We offer you all services in a flexible outsourcing model: You decide when you want to provide which services yourself or obtain them from us. This makes you flexible in resource planning and gives you the certainty of being able to fall back on our capacities at any time.

Noticeably effective services

Your needs, wishes and individual requirements are our top priority. Whether in the field of tax advice, auditing, corporate, fiduciary or legal advice: all of our services are tailored to your company or your requirements. This creates effective and efficient results, which mean competitive advantages for you and your company.

Consulting experience with individual solutions

Every company and every situation is different and therefore needs its own and optimally coordinated solutions. This is exactly what we can offer you: we expand our own competencies as required by a flexible, well-structured network of professionals. This is how you get the best solution for your concern.

The Contaxa check

Unsure whether you are getting the best from your trustee or want to get a second opinion? Together we will shed light on all of the topics that are relevant to you in a confidential discussion. We show you any problem areas and possible options for action, identify potential dangers and analyze your current situation. We would be happy to make you a non-binding offer afterwards.We cannot buy your trust, we can only win it. Talk to us and get to know us. We look forward to you.

What services does your consultancy offer?
Can you provide references or case studies showcasing your success?
How can I schedule a consultation with your team?
How do you determine the right investment strategies for clients?

«We have customised solutions for every need.»

Urs Schätti

»Thank you very much for your valuable personal advice. Your expertise and attentiveness helped me to gain clarity and take the right path.
take the right path.»

René Stupf

«We have an individual solution for every
a customised solution.»

Fawad Amini


For Contaxa AG, the culture and language that is lived in the company is very important. That is why they joined the German-speaking WIRAS association in 2013. The WIRAS network connects over 210 law firms in 170 cities and in 44 countries around the world. The association has existed for over 30 years. We would like to introduce ourselves: